Today when I got up to get ready for school I took my shower as I usually would. While I was in the shower I was listening to my itunes from my laptop. On the latest version of itunes there is a feature called genius, which allows the user to hear similar artist based on the current track that is playing. When I selected the genius option on my computer I happened to be listening to a song by T.I, a rapper, so all of the following tracks should have been similar to T.I. At first all of the tracks that played after the original song were about right, but then a gospel track started to play about two songs into my shower. I thought that it was very strange that my computer chose to play the selection of songs that it did. At one point I was listening to rap music and then the next music I was listening to one of my favorite gospel songs. I was not opposed to hearing gospel, but I like to keep it separate from my music that contains PROFANITY!
The point that I am trying to make goes much deeper than me being disturbed by my computer's lack of ability to play like songs, but that computers are not ready to lead. In class we have had discussion about computers taking over some of the responsibilities that teachers now possess. My computers inability to play the correct mixture of songs makes me wonder if computers are ready to lead our youth. Can computers teacher our children? I don't believe that teachers can be replaced by computers simply because of all of the knowledge and reason that humans possess. In my opinion, computers are great resources and should only be used as resources. There may be a time when computers are able to lead humans, but I don't think that technology has reached that point.
This was so much fun to read, but also great commentary on the ultimately flawed "choices" a program makes when it presumes to mimic our own tastes. Good work!