Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Techno Literacy Memoir-End

I think that it is truly amazing how far cellular phones have come over the last two decades.  I can remember when I was a child my mom had one of the classic brick phones that was truly a car phone.  She could take the phone out of the car if she wanted, but it was so heavy so she just elected to leave her cellular phone in the car.  Today phones can barely be seen and the means of communication are so much more advanced.  There are many smart phones on the market that allow people to have true mobile communication with the entire world through text messages, email, and voice communication.  Personally, I prefer to talk to people on the phone, but i find myself text messaging much more these days.  For me my iphone has become a part of my personality and who I am as an individual over the past year.  I have become completely addicted to my iphone because of the convenience that it allows me.  I am able to check my email, instant message, listen to music, and access many other applications from the palm of my hand.  When i do not have my iphone with me I feel as if I am missing my security blanket, and cannot make it through the day.  My iphone, a life altering device, has truly affected my daily life, for it is the last thing that I see at nigh at the fist thing that I hear in the morning.  Every night before I go to sleep I check my phone to ensure that I have set my alarm for the proper time and every morning I wake up to the blaring sound of my phone alarm.  Once I leave home in the morning I always make sure that I have my technology companion with me; although, there have been instances when I have left my phone at home.  I don't like to leave my phone at home, but I have learned that I can go a few hours without checking an application on my phone. If I had to chose my favorite writing media today it would be my cell phone because I am writing on it all day. My emails are sent directly to my phone and I feel as if I have to read to the emails and respond immediately after I feel my phone vibrate. I have also perfected the art of text messaging and I can even text without looking. Then my yahoo instant messenger prompts me to write all day which increases communication with my friends and family. Some people feel differently about mobile technology, but I have a certain level of comfort when I have my cell phone. Is my addiction weird? I don't think so!

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